The main body of the cross is wooden and in the centre of one side it has an embossed sculptural representation of the Crucified Christ, while at the ends of its arms it has indiscernible figures of saints. Its other side is decorated with an embossed sculptural representation of the baptism of Christ. On the horizontal arms of the cross there are figures of angels and on the top vertical arm, an indistinct holy figure, probably of the Holy Father. The entire wooden part of the cross bears visible traces of the wear and tear of time and is inside a metal shell with wide holes, from which the above-mentioned representations appear. Its lower large vertical arm, on the right and left, is flanked by two metal decorative branches, while on the top small vertical arm on the right and left, decorative metal anthemia are attached. The cross sits on an iron, thin stem, which joins it to its circular base that has a slightly bell-shaped form and on its face bears embossed concentric circles, decorated with spirals.