The uniform consists of: a) Coat b) Vest c) Cap. The coat is made of premium quality blue-black felt and the interior is lined with black silk satin fabric. Its fitted back is continued from the waist down with two “tails”, bearing gold-plated anchor-embossed naval buttons. The front is fitted, gathers and stops at the waist. It has two rows of 7 gold-plated buttons with anchors on the right and left. The collar is decorated with gold-embroidered wavy leaves. Both sleeve cuffs are identical which have an additional and narrower band with three gold-plated buttons with anchors. On the shoulders there are gold bands through which the Admiral’s distinctive epaulettes pass. Each epaulette has two silver embroidered stars on gold fabric, crossed sword with scabbard, silver embroidered royal crown on red velvet and a small navy button.