The single-barrelled front-loading rifle is of late 18th century Persian manufacture and operates with a flintlock mechanism. Its frame is wooden and decorated. The stock cap has been removed. The stock consists of two parts which are joined together with small decorative brass plates. At the end there is a decorative row of inlaid small brass rosettes. The wooden frame has ivory diamond decoration on the lower part as well as designs of inlaid brass rosettes, which continue in rows and on the frame of the barrel, which is plain, round at the end and polygonal at the start. At the bottom, on the upper part, it has an engraved crowned shield and surrounding miniature crown seals. The barrel, which was cut to make the weapon short-barrelled, is attached to the wooden frame with 3 plain brass plates in the form of rings. The firing mechanism is iron, looks like a cock’s head on the outside and has silver engraved decorative plates.